Women with disabilities’ unequal participation and involvement in labor markets, decision making positions and generally in workspaces hinders their effective engagement in contributing to development processes hence their needs are never addressed. Eunice Atieno, a trader and a disability rights champion over the years has been at the frontline in encouraging women with disabilities to disrupt spaces and ensure their voices are heard and they are treated with utmost dignity they deserve. Her engagement with KEFEADO as a gender champion has ensured she is able to present disability labor rights and inclusion in high level forums which sets disability issues …
Category: Stories of change
Bringing the change from within
“Bringing the change from within…” As rights holders there is only much one can do from the fringes where our voices at times are not heard or heard but not taken into account. Women with disabilities continue face a lot of challenges which largely remain unattended to by duty bearers. The poverty rate to women with disabilities is at an alarming situation and has left many of them begging for their survival. Women with disabilities have a higher risk of being victims/survivors of gender based violence hence discrimination in accessing reproductive health services due to the negative community perception that …
Turning your pain into Passion…
In a world where little attention goes towards preventive, promotive and curative investments on epilepsy, valent Adhiambo a young woman from Migori has risen against all odds to challenge inequities, myths and misconception about persons with epilepsy. Notwithstanding the bottlenecks experienced as a front liner in fight for protection on rights of young women with epilepsy, Valent relentlessly continues to create safe space and amplifies voices of those with epilepsy. Her experience has taught many not to compromise on their needs, and to dream for an inclusive future Early childhood “I grew up to be a very jovial and healthy …
DOCUMENTATION AND WRITING WORKSHOP Kenya Female Advisory Organization (KEFEADO) organized a two-day training for women group beneficiaries under the Economic Justice Program. The training was scheduled for group Coordinators, Treasurer, and chairpersons from the various groups. The training focused on developing a common reporting template and financial tools for efficient documentation of the EJP activities. The training took place at Whirlspring Hotel in Kisumu county, Dates, 19th – 20th October 2020
Kenya Female Advisory Organization partnered with the National Taxpayers Association (NTA) and County government of Kisumu ,held different community engagement within Kisumu county on matters of Tax justice conversation . The first forum was held at Renja primary school in Kolwa Central ward,Kisumu East Sub-county county. The forum was organized to discuss how sports can be use as an alternative space to talk about gender responsive tax system. In attendance was member of county assembly for Seme Central ward Hon. Sally Okudo together with National coordinator NTA Ms.Irene Otieno and Executive director of KEFEADO Easter Okech. Hon. Sally Okudo urged …
SPORT FOR CHANGE 2019 “Generation Equality”
During 2019 sports for change program the institution managed to reach over three hundred girls as compared to previous year. 4th Dec 2019 proved to be a remarkable day in the institutional calendar since we managed to host the Dutch Foreign ministry who shared with the girls about the vast opportunities available in sports.
1.Hon.Pamela Odhiambo Is an MCA for Manyatta B, and is very passionate about advocating for women rights and thus KEFEADOs interest in involving her as a gender champion in the SDG5 Program.
Hon.Ruth Odinga launched the “sports for change” In Kisumu West
Hon. Ruth Odinga launched the “sports for change” In Kisumu West organised by KEFEADO and other partners.
We are engaging with communities through a methodology of “sports for change” to speak with adolescents girls and young women (Age 10-24) in and out of school on the 16 Days of Gender Activism 2018 The engagement “sports for change” in this case football for girls creates space for voice, power, and self-determination. This methodology supports girls to understand their body agency, body autonomy, body rights, bodily integrity, freedom, and choice. We state that sports is recognized as a powerful tool through which gender inequality the root of gender-based violence can be effectively addressed. We affirm that through sports we …
Success story : IRENE ANYANGO(mentee)
Irine Anyango, is a 19-year-old female footballer leaving in Kisumu County, Dago sub-location at a village called k’ogony. she was the first born and completed her secondary education in 2018. Through football, she is able to support her family financially being that her father passed on. She has been playing football since primary school and she was able to be awarded several certificates, among them the best teen football player. Irine is also good at shaggy mat knitting, soap and bead making. Lack of proper sporting equipment like boots, attires, and socks hinders her from achieving her desired dreams. Through sports for …