KEFEADO is keen on the girl child/ woman development in the society hence the sports for change activities under community linkages program. This Methodology uses football for girls to create space for voice, power and self-determination. We state that sports is recognized as a powerful tool through which gender inequality the root of gender-based violence can be effectively addressed. We affirm that through sports we shall strengthen the ability of girls to challenge the core of gender-based violence (GBV) i.e. inequity, patriarchy, and rigid gender roles. We note that the application of sport in combating gender-based violence is practical as …

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Immaculate Oliech, Programmes coordinator Network for adolescent and youth of Africa(KEFEADO SDG5 CHAMPION)

#HerWord “The perception of Kisumu residents on existence of Covid 19 is worrying, weare likely to see high numbers of Covid 19 cases in the county once theeconomy is reopened. There needs to be community sensitization forums tocreate awareness on Covid 19”.“There is a silence increase of teenage pregnancy among young girls due toprolonged school closure during this pandemic. The county government ofKisumu needs to adopt multisectoral approach in reaching out to young girlswith SRHR information and services and ensure food security that exposesthem to vulnerable situations”.“Parents need to create opportunities for children to play and relax. Keepregular routines and …

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Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB)

The Kenya Female Advisory Organization (KEFEADO) organized a 3-day GRB training for members of county assembly (MCAs) of Kisumu county Gender Committee, County Directors and The Gender Technical Working Group Secretariat on respective days from 6th-8th July. We continue to foster strong partnerships with other like-minded organizations and the County Government of Kisumu in the journey of realizing equal opportunities for men and women. It is highly critical to ensure that policies on gender rights are developed to bridge inequality gaps and ensure institutions respond according to the specific needs of the Special Interest Groups(PWDs, Women, and Youth) We appraise …

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