- Community Paralegal Unit in Bondo which provides paralegal guidance and counselling, arbitration and referral services.
- Leadership and Mentorship program which seeks to build capacities of women, female youth and girls to participate effectively in the political, social and economic spheres and ensure they transform their presence into influence of new policies to bring transformative change at all levels.
- Rite of Being (ROB) Project in Mt Elgon District, which focuses on FGM.
- Gender Forum Project which convenes monthly presentations and discussions on topical national issues on gender equality and human rights.
- We Can Alliance Campaign Project which focuses on mobilization of change makers to campaign against VAW.
- The 2020 EJP(Economic Justice Program) project which aims at enhancing sustainable livelihoods for women in the fishing sector in the rural areas bordering lake Victoria, with the objective of enhancing the participation of women in the aquaculture as a sustainable economic activity as well as to address social injustice often faced by women along the aquaculture value chain.