Call For application -GESI Scope of work


Despite global improvements in labor rights legislation and policy, women, people with disabilities, and youth are often identified as being at greater risk of lower, or unfavorable, participation in labor markets worldwide. Kenya is no exception.

Ungana a coalition program led by Sightsavers which brings together a range of local and international organizations recognized globally for their expertise in labor rights, gender and disability inclusion, equality, systems thinking, evaluative research, learning and evidence uptake. The program shall look at providing solutions to the intersection of
emerging trends in labor and inclusive development as well as increasing protection for workers’ rights. The program will focus on two value chains in of some of the largest drinks companies in Kenya. The main objective of the program will be to demonstrate that a set of relational capacity building interventions along value chains leads to improved levels of employment among people, particularly women with disabilities and men with disabilities as well as improvements in the protection of their labor rights as defined in the proposal.

The overarching goal of the program is that national and transnational value chains demonstrate that inclusion and labor rights are integral and achievable no matter what the employment relationship or the location of employment is. More inclusive labor
markets benefit all individuals and value chain stakeholders with and without disability. This will be achieved through a set of interconnected outcomes defined under four domains of change, set out in the theory of change (ToC). The key outcomes of the project will include:

  • More women and men with disabilities (and their enterprises) participate confidently in labor markets and enjoy and exercise their labor rights
  • OPDs and Trade Unions increasingly support women and men with disabilities and the private sector by promoting and protecting labor rights
  • Brands and value chain employers consistently champion, apply and measure inclusive and fair practices which align to CRPD, UN Global Compact, national legislation, and ILO decent work principles
  • Governments comply with their obligations to ensure equal participation in employment under the CRPD, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Political Rights (ICESCR) and other UN and ILO conventions, through the enforcement of anti-discrimination legislation, the implementation of policies and the design of programs to ensure its implementation