Breaking Barriers: Empowering Women with Disabilities in Workspaces.

Women with disabilities’ unequal participation and involvement in labor markets, decision making positions and generally in workspaces hinders their effective engagement in contributing to development processes hence their needs are never addressed. Eunice Atieno, a trader and a disability rights champion over the years has been at the frontline in encouraging women with disabilities to disrupt spaces and ensure their voices are heard and they are treated with utmost dignity they deserve. Her engagement with KEFEADO as a gender champion has ensured she is able to present disability labor rights and inclusion in high level forums which sets disability issues …

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Bringing the change from within

“Bringing the change from within…” As rights holders there is only much one can do from the fringes where our voices at times are not heard or heard but not taken into account. Women with disabilities continue face a lot of challenges which largely remain unattended to by duty bearers. The poverty rate to women with disabilities is at an alarming situation and has left many of them begging for their survival. Women with disabilities have a higher risk of being victims/survivors of gender based violence hence discrimination in accessing reproductive health services due to the negative community perception that …

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Turning your pain into Passion…

In a world where little attention goes towards preventive, promotive and curative investments on epilepsy, valent Adhiambo a young woman from Migori has risen against all odds to challenge inequities, myths and misconception about persons with epilepsy. Notwithstanding the bottlenecks experienced as a front liner in fight for protection on rights of young women with epilepsy, Valent relentlessly continues to create safe space and amplifies voices of those with epilepsy. Her experience has taught many not to compromise on their needs, and to dream for an inclusive future Early childhood “I grew up to be a very jovial and healthy …

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